DISC behavioural assessment & 1:1 coaching
Understanding oneself better and adapting one’s behaviours to others.
Take the test now, and an ICF professional coach will help you achieve your goals.
Price € 240 (included VAT)
D.I.S.C. is a famous behavioural model divided into four quadrants (D dominant, I Influential, S stable, C conscientious) that allows you to accurately examine the behaviour of individuals in their private life, work environment, or particular situations.

DISC Assessment tangible benefits
- Learn more about yourself, your strengths, limits, and personal development paths.
- A better understanding of how and why others are different from you.
- Improve interpersonal communication for greater flexibility and efficiency.
- Improve the quality of teamwork, the climate within the company and cooperation.
- To effectively manage interpersonal conflicts.
- Improve the ability to work as a team.
What does the DISC assessment measure?
D.I.S.C. is a famous behavioural model divided into four quadrants (D dominant, I Influential, S stable, C conscientious) that allows you to accurately examine the behaviour of individuals in their private life, work environment, or particular situations.
Adaptability is your willingness and ability to adapt your approach or strategy to the situation’s specific requirements or the state of the relationship with a person at a given time.
Flexibility helps define your behavioural flexibility and understand how you can develop it to facilitate interpersonal relationships.
As you better understand your behavioural patterns and those of the people you hang out with, communication will become more effective in maintaining comfort (reducing tension), increasing productivity, and facilitating interpersonal relationships.
For each of the four communicating types of behaviour of the DISC, there is a different way of delegating and delegating their tasks; complimenting and correcting them; motivate and advise them. Learning these other methods can quickly make a leader more sensitive and effective. Sensitivity and tact are qualities constantly required of leaders (gentle leadership).
1:1 with your coach
You can book a private session with your ICF PCC professional coach to understand all the test results and work on the aspects most favourable to you for organic development and achieving your goals.

What will you get
Take the assessment with complete freedom and book your coaching session when you prefer.
- DISC assessment
Personalised report
La valutazione DISC© misura le quattro dimensioni del comportamento, ciascuna associata a uno stile comportamentale. - Personal coaching
1.5 hours with your personal coach ICF©
Nel pacchetto è inclusa una sessione privata con un coach professionista certificato ICF© (International Coaching Federation) per comprendere appieno i risultati del test e lavorare sui tuoi obiettivi.
D.I.S.C. is approved by:
DISC assessment and 1: 1 Coaching offers the possibility to accurately and professionally evaluate one’s observable behaviours. Provides a personalized session to fully understand the results and meaning of the report resulting from the evaluation and explore the options available to improve your behaviour.
The time to complete the DISC assessment is very personal, typically between ten and fifteen minutes.
The DISC assessment subject of this offer is certified by ASI (Assessment Standard Institute) and approved and recommended by ICF International Coaching Federation.
Even if you will learn a lot about the different behavioural styles, this is not a training course, but rather an opportunity to know yourself and professionally analyze our behaviour’s impact on others. You will undoubtedly learn how to approach change and what strategies we can use to guide and communicate effectively.